Heavy Highlights - 2022 Pt.2

Decaying Realms.
By Outer Heaven.

Clench fist. Scowl. Locked jaw. ‘Decaying Realms’ seems to be hardwired to produce this involuntary reaction. The dense, scum-ridden guitars rise out of a swamp and swear vengeance on our pitiful, mortal realm. The drums beat out the call to war, the last war, as inhuman vocals herald the arrival of foul creatures to tear us to shreds. A bassline drills our brains, the last vestiges of sanity leaving our feeble minds. God, we are convinced Outer Heaven is really an infernal siege engine resurrected to burn us to ash. It. will. Not. Stop.


Drone Carrying Dread.
By Author & Punisher.

Man/machinist Author & Punisher (Tristan to his mates) lays down a clanking/whirring beauty of a track on ‘Drone Carrying Dread’. The lyrics paint a pure dystopian nightmare, an army on the hunt for the last vestiges of freedom and humanity. Thundering, hammer-like rhythms pound a doomsday march (a Godflesh callback) but it is not cold; through the distortion and delirium there is a pulse. This sign of life is the triumph of Author & Punisher’s writing. Hope in spite of suffering. Surrounded by steel dense riffage but not alone. Bleak but beautiful.


By Gadget.

This is fucking excellent! Gadget get it. They know how to party. This is grind as we know it. Where have you been all our lives!? Cooking a grimy brew of grind, punk, sludge and hardcore then stirring it with a switchblade. Ooft!


Golden Mouth of Ruin.
By Archspire.

You ever listen to technical death metal and think “yeah it's cool that the guitar shreds, the bass shreds and the drums shred but i wish the vocals did.”? Worry not, Archspire will remedy this! This is actually a very catchy stompathon from the Canadian quintet which is perfect for new listeners. Make no mistake though, Golden Mouth of Ruin is laser-guided surgery through the medium of snare roll, it tears at the flesh to leave nothing but bone and hair.


By Converge & Chelsea Wolfe.

Hauntingly beautiful and ethereal rock. Sounds like Converge? This collaboration with Chelsea Wolfe is a potent reminder that Mr. Bannon and Co like to swim in all sorts of musical pools to expand their repertoire. ‘Coil’ flaunts that wonderfully with winding strings and clean, reverb-drenched vocals, then an impassioned and driving mid section. The burning tension swells to a storming crescendo of an ending, the flames subside and all that is left is dust. Breathtaking and emotional.


Cult Leader.


Heavy Highlights - 2022 Pt.1